Are You Having a Dental Emergency in Garden Grove?
We're here to help

If you've just suffered damage to one or more teeth or are experiencing sharp, persistent pain - it's important to see a dentist immediately. Primary Dental Care of Garden Grove offers same day emergency dental care dedicated to offering friendly, effective, and fairly priced care.

Whether you've suffered a fractured tooth or have been trying to ignore pain related to a potential cavity or infection, it's important to remember that putting off treatment can actually make the problem worse and more expensive to treat. At Primary Dental Care of Garden Grove, we offer same day emergency dental care with flexible pricing plans to ensure you get the treatment you need

Don't Wait to Get Emergency Dental Care. If a tooth is broken or in pain, schedule an appointment today

Why Choose Primary Dental Care of Garden Grove for Emergency Dental Work

At Primary Dental Care of Garden Grove, our dental team combines years of experience with emergency dental care for children and adults. In addition, our on-site experience with general and cosmetic dentistry gives us the ability to advise on the best course of action available if a dental injury requires further rehabilitation.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?
And What Should I do in the Meantime?

Many patients often wonder when it's time to call Primary Dental Care for emergency dental care. Some of the most common dental injuries include broken, knocked out, or cracked teeth. This can occur from sports, impact, or simply eating a piece of food that's too hard. Whether you need emergency dental treatment depends on the severity of the accident.If the tooth is simply chipped, it's likely that treatment can wait until it's convenient to see the dentist. However, if the crack, chip, or fracture is severe (and the inside of your tooth is at risk of being exposed) it's a good idea to contact us immediately.

What to Do While You Wait

After gently rinsing your mouth, preserving your damaged tooth should be your first course of action. While you wait to see Dr. Ibrahim, try to touch your tooth as little as possible. Sometimes, you will be able to get the affected tooth back into its socket by gently biting down on a tea-bag or piece of moist medical gauze. If this isn't possible, do your best to wash the tooth, afterwards keeping it safe in a small container filled with milk. If milk isn't available, you can also use your own saliva. In the meantime, you can try applying a cold compress to the impacted part of your face and jaw to help alleviate the pain.

Do You have questions about a dental emergency in Garden Grove? We're here to help. Contact us today