Primary Dental Care: Terms of Use
In visiting the Primary Dental Care website and utilizing its pages and features, you agree to Primary Dental Care’s Terms of Use as outlined below. Such Terms of Use govern this website, including all pages and content of such, such as written text, images, and videos.
1) The information contained on the pages of this website are the property of Primary Dental, its licensors, partners, suppliers, and contributors, and are protected by U.S. copyright law. No part of this website may be reproduced for commercial purposes, nor may any part be copied for use on another website.
2) All trademarks are protected from unwarranted use including those of Primary Dental, its licensors, partners, suppliers, and contributors, as are all aspects of product and company branding.
3) Primary Dental Care notes that all information on this website is to be used for general knowledge and does not in anyway constitute an attempt to treat any medical or dental health condition or disease or to offer information that will in any manner substitute for medical or dental checkups, and other such procedures and possible treatments.
4) None of the information on this website is guaranteed or warranted for use in any manner.
5) This website does not, nor it is intended to create a doctor-patient relationship. Additionally, there is no intention to provide visitors with usable dental advice.
6) If, as a visitor, you decide to use information from this website, neither Primary Dental Care nor its associates, including those who created the website, may be held accountable for your actions.
7) Users may not in any manner utilize this site in a way that is destructive or will affect the site or Primary Dental Care in an adverse manner. All aspects of the Primary Dental Care website must be utilized in a responsible manner by visitors and users.
8) Any illegal use of this website that violates local, state, or federal laws will be subject to prosecution, which may include suing for damages and other such penalties and punishments as outlined by the law.
9) Primary Dental Care is in no way liable nor responsible for costs or damages that arise or are connected to either directly or indirectly your use of or inability to use our website. This pertains to the content on our site, including images, video, and written text, and the interception or loss of any data transmitted to or from the Primary Dental Care site.
10)Primary Dental Care possesses no liability whatsoever for failure of electronic or mechanical equipment or communication, including webhosts and servers, Internet providers, and connecting devices. Also, Primary Dental Care is not responsible, nor liable for telephone or any other connection errors or problems, computer viruses, unauthorized access or interception of data from our site, Internet theft, or any errors.
11) Those who use the Primary Dental Care website and provide information through this site do so at their own risk.
12) Primary Dental Care reserves the right to alter, add or delete information and policies regarding its Terms of Use.
Correspondence regarding our Terms of Use may be directed to: