Information on Night Guards for your Teeth ftom Primary Dental Care
Information on Night Guards for your Teeth
Night Guards are used by dentists to treat bruxing. Bruxing is an excessive grinding of the teeth or clenching of the jaw that affects between eight to thirty percent of the population. Even though it can be hard to spot for an average person, it is usually clear upon inspection to a dentist if somebody is excessively grinding their teeth. People who report frequent diurnal bruxing (night-time grinding) often display symptoms such as: headaches, sensitive or shorter teeth, jaw soreness, tooth fractures, and inflammation of the periodontal ligaments of teeth. Most patients experience the worst effects of bruxing as soon as they wake up.
If left uncontrolled, excessive teeth grinding will lead to tooth wear.
The causes of bruxing are not fully understood, but there are several factors that dentists know play important roles in bruxing, such as: drug abuse, smoking, malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth), stress, caffeine, prescription medication, some nervous system disorders, and genetic history. Teeth grinding is often found in both adults and children, although it often appears later in life because of increased stress levels. There is no currently no permanent cure for bruxing. Unchecked bruxing can also lead to severe damage of existing dental work, such as crowns and fillings. Many dentists also caution that bruxing is a major cause of reduced gumline. Perhaps most importantly, bruxing causes accelerated enamel wear.
Enamel protects the layers of dentin and nerve endings on the inside of your tooth.
Enamel is the akin to the hard outer shell of a piece of un-popped popcorn. It is important to remember that enamel does not regenerate, meaning that once it’s gone, it’s gone. Worn-down enamel is not only extremely painful, but often can be conducive to infections, and, in rare cases, a dentist must remove the affected teeth. The treatment most often prescribed to patients with bruxing is a Night Guard.
If you, or a loved one suffer from bruxing, a dentist will recommend a Night Guard.
A Night Guard is a plastic mouthpiece that protects your teeth from excess grinding. The guard is clear, plastic, light and easily removeable. On your first visit the dentist will begin by taking an impression of your teeth by using a gel or molding material. After a short time, this impression sets and is then sent to laboratory where the night guard is created. Dentists create speciality night guards which can be made of very soft, or more rigid plastics, depending on the wearer. Dentists also use special processes, materials, and procedures to insure that the mouthpiece is customized to the exact needs of each patient.
On your second trip, the dentist will ensure a proper fit by trimming the Night Guard to fit in your mouth. The dentist will also take the time to show you how to properly wear and care for your orthodontic piece. For most patients, wearing a Night Guard will immediately solve their grinding problems.
In order to keep your Night Guard clean and prevent not only damage, but bacterial growth, it is important to maintain regular maintenance on your mouthpiece. This includes keeping your Night Guard in a cool, dry and well ventilated area. This prevents any warping of the material. Making sure to keep your Night Guard in its case is also critical, this help achieve proper airflow and reduce mildew. In order to clean the piece, regularly brush it with your toothbrush and tooth paste.
If you would like more information on how custom-made, Night Guards may help you, or you would like to make an appointment, contact Primary Dental Care in Garden Grove, California at 714-537-5700.