Dentistry while you sleep at primary dental care

You may be asking yourself: "Why is this listed under Cosmetic Dentistry?" Although it is not typically described as a cosmetic dental procedure, did you know that this form of sedation makes it possible for cosmetic dentistry as well as other dental procedures to be performed in complete comfort, free of all treatment sensations such as pains, sounds and smells? .

What is sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry is the state-of-the-art technique for all comprehensive control of pain and anxiety in dentistry can play a dramatic role in the success of cosmetic dentistry! Comprehensive smile makeovers, full mouth reconstruction, and just about any dental procedure can be performed in the absolute minimum number of appointments.

How do you feel after sedation dentistry?

Patients awake from sedation dentistry feeling rested and without any negative memories of the dental procedure. Free from concerns over pain or discomfort, sedation dentistry patients overcome inhibitions and are able to get the treatment they need and the smile they have always wanted! If you're afraid of the dentist and want to sleep through your dental procedures call primary Dental care at 714-537-5700 today to make your sedation dentistry appointment..

Primary dental care :Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is a specialty that provides the ultimate comfort during dental treatment. It is far more effective at eliminating pain and anxiety than simple "pill" or "gas" sedation that is often advertised as "Sleep Dentistry." Less than one percent of dentists in California are licensed to perform IV sedation. Dr. Marianna, and her select team of experienced oral surgeons in California, have a proven track record of safe and successful IV sedation When it comes to the ultimate in comfort, and your safety, our team of experts will take good care of you.

Different Types of Sedation.

IV Sedation in Dentistry.

IV Sedation or Intravenous Sedation is a technique of providing analgesia (pain relief), during painful procedures in dentistry. It involves intravenous injection of a sedative, which makes a person drowsy and unaware of painful stimuli generated during the procedure or surgery.

General Anesthesia in Dentistry.

In non-conscious sedation, mostly known as General Anesthesia, the patient is in a deep state of sleep, unconscious and unresponsive. While conscious sedation also provides some degree of amnesia, with general anesthesia the patient is completely unaware of what is happening and does not remember anything of the unpleasant dental procedures performed under GA.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation in Dentistry.

Inhalation sedation, also known as nitrous oxide sedation, is historically the most widely used dental sedation technique by dentists. The patient breathes a mixture of nitrous oxide (N2O) and oxygen through a nasal mask. The gas causes an euphoric effect (for this reason it is often referred to as laughing gas) which not only relaxes the patient within a few seconds but also provides some analgesic effect.

Oral Sedation in Dentistry.

Oral sedation is another popular method of dental relaxation, mainly due to the easiness of administration. The patient is given a sedative pill to take by the mouth the night before the appointment or/and few hours prior to the dental visit. By the time of the appointment, the patient is in a relaxed state and remains calm and free of anxiety during the procedure. Since the patient is already under the effect of the medication on his way to the dental office, for safety reasons someone else must drive him to the dentist.

For more information on post surgery instructions, tooth extractions, and other dental concerns call Primary Dental Care in Garden Grove, California, at 714-537-5700.